Thursday, June 25, 2020

Written Petition against Somolu NYCN by ABIODUN MARTINS

The Chairman,
Electoral Committee,
NYCN Lagos State Chapter
24th June, 2020.

Dear Sir,

 Petition Against the illegal & unconstitutional inauguration of unknown entity among executives members of the National Youth Council of Nigeria, Somolu Local Chapter by Political Jobbers and NYCN State Transition Committee.

It is highly disappointing to the youth community that affiliates of an institution that are charge with upholding justice and fairness and use it as a yardstick to groom and develop responsible and trainable youth within the grassroot level are falling short in the  duties and responsibility to a population that constitute 60% of youth.

The incidence that erupted during the ill-fated and hypocritical inauguration of executive of the NYCN Somolu Local branch was not only a disgrace to the youth of Somolu but to all Elders that perpetrated one evil act or the other that day, in any proceeding globally point of order are always raise when there is an aberration but that was not followed as all individuals present are combat ready to have their way regardless of whose ox is gored but posterity they say would definitely judge everybody for their act in due course. Political jobbers that loiters hopelessly around the Local government secretariat and looking for any means as a source of survival, use state powers within their means to illegally and criminally substitute the name of NYCN harmonized executives list and expect that aberration to go on without any point of order raised. 

The ever vibrant former University of Lagos Student Union Government President and immediate past Somolu NYCN General Secretary Cum Coordinator Comr. Martins Abdur-rafi Abiodunraised point of order on the substituted names and his well articulated point of order was met with violent conduct by The Chief of Staff to the Local Government Chairman Hon. Ayodele Afolabiin a manner that deeply denigrate his person and the office he represent, under his watch and instructions boys numbering up to four attacked Comr. Martins and for several minutes abuse him physically, in the presence of the State transiton Committee led by Comrade Odunuga Gbenga and State Congress Planning Chairman Comr. Gbadebo Taofiq, and one hopeless political jobber “come and rade” Mikhail Adeeso and Afeez Raheem (Afeezco). The ex SUG boss was later released after Hon. Akins the Supervisor for health caution the Chief of Staff of his action as it might lead to loss of life of the helpless *Comr. Martins*, after several plea by people Comr. Martins was carried and dump outside the Local government secretariat by paid thugs in a very embarrassing manner within a government secretariat what a world! What an Impunity!

Recall, The NYCN Somolu Local branch has begun its transition program immediately *Comr. Martins Abiodun* felt he has stabilized the Youth Council after the existence of *Comr. Bola Balogun* in search of greener pasture in far-away United Arab Emirate. This process begins in late 2018 and due to a whole lots of interest from political jobbers who wanted to infiltrate the Youth Council at all cost and have a front to get feeds for themselves and their families, using and abusing the Office of the able Chairman of the Local a move that many feelers in the Local government were aware of, as they want to be in any groups that are either related or not related to Politics, forgetting that the National Youth Council of Nigeria became a recognize entity by a decree in 1990 and was registered as a non-political and non-partisan group and the council is independent of the Local government at the Local branch, of the state government at the state level and of the Federal government at the National level .

In late 2019, the NYCN Somolu Local branch had its election which was well structured as all aspirant were screened and eventually set to be voted for but on Election Day Comr. Musa and his group fear been defeated openly and boycotted the election and the election process was conducted and new executives emerge after the aspirants had fulfilled all constitutional requirement. 

The list of the new executives were sent to the department of Agric and Social services to follow due process and fulfil constitutional requirement, but these political jobber with no known means of livelihood felt a chance to have a means of survival for themselves and their families have been taken away and would cut corners to have it using political interference which is against the ways of Youth council at all level to achieve their aim another aberration and another rounds of hustling begins as the Chairman fail to acknowledge the list due to influence of people that have no value, honour neither integrity preying on the largesse of his good office.

A peace meeting was summoned on the 26th day of March 2020 by the amiable Chairman of thr Local government through the office of the Supervisor for Agric and Social Service *Hon. Wale Oseni*. *Comr. Abdulfatai Ajibola Are and the bittered Comr. Fasasi Musa* were both summoned to the Chairman office and an harmonization was achieved at the instance of the Local government Chairman and Comr. Are Abdulfatai been a Comrade with the heart to serve felt service to humanitt can be felt in any capacity not really as Head of a team have to bow to the request of the Council Manager, *Otunba Lai Giwa and Head of Dept. Agric and Social Service Dept. Mr. Segun Arogundade and the Coordinator was given to Comr. Fasasi Musa while Comr. Abdulfatai settle for General Secretary with Musa providing the Assistance General Secretary and Abdulfatai* providing the Deputy Coordinator. 

A group photography was taken by the *Chief Press Secretary* of the Chairman *Mr. Oseni Owolabi and was uploaded with press release later that evening at 23:08the  GMT on *Somolu Third Eye* with Comr. Musa seen physically happy with the harmonization as he have been given a position he lost through popular vote but gained through political power
(Check Pics I). The Harmonization picture with top member of the council political and administrative head present 

Pic II.The Proof of *Mr. Oseni Owolabi* on press release on Somolu Third Eye on the evening of 26th March, 2020 the Chairman Chief Press Secretary 

On the 26th of May 2020 the eecutives of the Youth Council paid a courtesy visit to the Chairman at his Magodo residence and thank him greatly for harmonizing the youth faction and bringing lasting solution to the NYCN Somolu Local branch. The Chairman accepted the executives warmly and promise to always do more for the youth via the NYCN at the  local level with 13 member of the fifteen harmonized list present in the meeting with the Chairman. Immediately after the meeting the *Assistance Chief Press Secretary of the Chairman Badaru Wasiu use both his Facebook social media and Somolu Third Eye WhatsApp group page to acknowledge the presence and legibility of the executive of the youth council in Somolu after the harmonization*
*Check Pics* III A and B & Pics IV A, B, C and D. The proof of Badaru Wasiu Alias Ijebu Chemist press release on both WhatsApp and Facebook at exactly 6:43pm on 26th May 2020 (Facebook) and 6::57pm 26th May, 2020.

On the 27th of May, 2020. The executive of the youth council have a crucial meeting in the local government secretariat with a project of creating a nose-mask to cushion the spread of the rampaging COVID-19 global pandemic and Comrade Kausara Olaleye, Comr. Adefiran Sherifah and Comr. Aloku Raphael were pen to facilitate the project and they all delivered on time but since the Coordinator took charge of the delivered nose-mask he has remain incommunicado since, and not replying  all messages sent to him via several platform and have been playing hide and seek not until we started hearing rumour of hatch plans of names of executive that have partake in the whole process for almost two years were been substituted by this political jobbers that hide under religion pretending as saint to destroy and steal peoples mandate creating enmity and division among the youth of Somolu but what did you expect from a former tricycle operator that is amazing several questionable academic qualification. 

To the illegality of the inauguration of June 22nd 2020, The former tricycle operator claimed the constitution permit only 9 executive I wonder where he got his own NYCN Constitution but according to the Constitution of the National Youth Council of Nigeria as amended *Article 10.9* states clearly the composition  and function of the Local executive Council that it shall comprises of eleven (11) members which are
1. Coordinator
2. Deputy Coordinator 
3. Secretary
4. Assistant Secretary
5. Public Relations officer
6. Assistant Publicity Secretary
7. Treasurer
8. Financial Secretary
9. Social Secretary
10. Legal Adviser 
11. Auditor

While the constitution went further to state in *Article 10.6*  The role of Ex officio that this shall be the Immediate Past Chairman of the council and this where the vibrant Comrade Martins Abiodun Abdur-rafi comes in as the former Coordinator after being unanimously appointed to serve in that regards at one of the general meetings  and his role shall be solely in advisory capacity, so I wonder where the ill-educated Afeez Raheem saw and read his own constitution, well maybe it his village constitution 
So looking at the portfolio that the money hungry state executive came to inaugurate it is crystal enough to know it is highly and disappointingly unconstitutional in several ways.

1. The criminal substitution of names without due consultation and following constitutional requirement when those elected have been acting in different capacity as Elected officers.

2. The disappointing show of shame by the Chief of Staff to the Chairman of Somolu LGA *Mr. Ayodele  Afolabi* against the vibrant former SUG  President of University of Lagos and Immediate past NYCN Somolu Local Chapter Coordinator in person of Comrade Martins Abdur-rafi aided by thugs within a government facility brought shame to the four corner and the entirety of people having their daily business within the LGA but an animal in human clothing would remain an animal.

3. Lastly the Mudir (Adeeso Mikail) that was present in a gathering when humanbeing like him was subjected to ridicule would only incur the wrath of Allah SWT when people call him Mudir and he answers such title would  as Allah as said in the glorious Quran that he would ask all leaders to give account of their Stewardship on each of their subjects Subhanallahi!!!

Finally we would want all concerned citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and all relevant authority to help and salvage the NYCN Somolu LGA Chapter from Political jobbers that are looking for avenue to milk unnecessary resources from Nigerians that have plans for the Youth of Somolu. The youth of Somolu at this point remain resolute as ever to fight and resist all forms of intimidation, brutality and oppression from known and unknown forces. Victory only cometh by Struggle.

Kindly Check attached pics for further proof. We stand on the path of truth always Humanity first. Humanity I serve, Humanity my Watchword

 Viva Aluta!!!


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